Streamline Your Organisation's Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting

Advanced planning, budgeting, forecasting and integration with your accounting software

UniFi can be used to manage all aspects of your organisation’s planning, budgeting, and forecasting requirements. It seamlessly integrates with your accounting software and comes with a suite of customisable dashboards and reports built with advanced business intelligence features.

The UniFi platform gives you extensive features for limitless use cases. These features enable you to drastically improve your Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting processes. It can also upgrade or replace your Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting Software.

Not only can UniFi replace your Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting Software, but it can also replace all other 3rd party software. Reducing your need to manage multiple disparate systems and helping reduce your costs. It’s one platform to replace them all.

What's included with UniFi Budgeting
and Forecasting?

Budget Management

Comprehensive budget creation, distribution, progress monitoring and consolidation.

Reporting and Analysis

Reporting and interactive dashboard analysis using powerful BI feature

Forecaseting and Scenario Planning

Forecasting multiple scenarios and what/if analysis

Document Management

Integrated document management ensures that all financial documents are accurately captured and indexed

You can also set up automatic workflows to ensure that documents are routed to the right people for approval. 

Budgeting & Forecasting

FinanSys Apps can be configured to capture budget and forecast related data, put approval around the process so that only authorised personnel can make changes to the data, and consolidate all the information in one place.


Harness the unique accounting automation, integration and business process management capabilities of FinanSys Apps to consolidate financial data from multiple accounting systems / business units / entities into a real time consolidation.   

Example of UniFi Budgeting and
Forecasting Dashboards

UniFi Budgeting and Forecasting is more flexible and user-configurable than other budgeting software – the UniFi platform allows for complete control over the data being captured, how much analysis and further detail is required, and what authorisation process the budgets should go through.

As part of a suite that also includes Business Intelligence, you avoid the cost and effort of acquiring and implementing another application for Reporting and Dashboards – budget data is simply one more source of data for the same BI app, together with data from your accounting and operational systems.

The in-built middleware tool enables seamless integration with accounting and other software allowing budget data to be stored in the most appropriate place. The UniFi platform comes with pre-built data connectors for popular systems and is highly configurable to integrate with any system.

Budgeting is just one of many use cases delivered by the UniFi platform. All features and pre-installed apps are available to all users to easily deploy into other business areas with no extra usage cost.

UniFi is user configurable – no expensive ongoing consultancy required.

UniFi Budgeting and Forecasting integrates seamlessly with your core accounting software. Nominal, analysis and other coding can be selected from dropdowns that source the values directly from the underlying accounting system, and new budgets, revisions and amendments can be uploaded to the budget area of your accounting software automatically upon approval.

Other Budgeting and Forecasting Use Cases

If you have a unique requirement or use case that’s not listed on this page, it’s highly likely that it’s creatable or configurable in UniFi, please speak to our team and we’ll be happy to discuss your options

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